Chances are if you work, go to school or are around kids there’s always someone sniffling, sneezing or coughing. Of course, all you’re trying to do is avoid getting the cold, flu or stomach virus your self. But is hand sanitizing, incessant hand washing and kicking open doors like an ER doctor really the only... Read More »
Consult with Lisa!

Interested in virtual advice or a virtual visit? Lisa Giannone and the staff at Active Care are experts in movement, health and fitness. Our services extend nationally and internationally, well beyond the reach of our physical location. Active Care physical therapists and exercise specialists are available and ready to help. Please contact [email protected] with all questions concerning:
- Rehab consultation
- Training advice
- Virtual PT visits
- Exercise program assessment
- Injury assessment
- Biomechanics (running, cycling, swimming technique analysis)
- Team sport injury prevention programs