It’s that time of year that we resolve to start fresh and eat better, workout more, play less iPhone Candy Crush and generally remake everything. Unfortunately, too often those resolutions don’t make it past Groundhog Day. Research shows that about 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions but only about 8% actually achieve them. But... Read More »
At some point we all become weekend warriors. The weight of work schedules, commuting, carpools and travel become increasingly difficult to manage. Exercise becomes relegated to early mornings or quick gym workouts that don’t have the regularity of those carefree and time-filled days of yesterday. Other than making it harder to justify that extra piece... Read More »
Stretching has long been known to improve muscular flexibility and joint range of motion and is considered an integral part of any fitness routine. Gym teachers and coaches have taught us that stretching before exercise keeps us injury-free and performing at our best. But does it? The usefulness of stretching immediately before exercise has become a much-debated... Read More »
Consult with Lisa!

Interested in virtual advice or a virtual visit? Lisa Giannone and the staff at Active Care are experts in movement, health and fitness. Our services extend nationally and internationally, well beyond the reach of our physical location. Active Care physical therapists and exercise specialists are available and ready to help. Please contact [email protected] with all questions concerning:
- Rehab consultation
- Training advice
- Virtual PT visits
- Exercise program assessment
- Injury assessment
- Biomechanics (running, cycling, swimming technique analysis)
- Team sport injury prevention programs